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Take Your Etsy Shop
To The Next Level

Take Your Etsy Shop
To The Next Level

From little things, big things grow.

Team Erank

Etsy Shopper Buying Habits

Discover what Etsy shoppers really want. We've surveyed 1,000 Etsy buyers to unveil their buying habits. Dive into the top 10 findings and more!

What We Offer

Keyword Research

Discover product keywords that real shoppers are searching for on Etsy in order to optimize tags and titles and drive more traffic to your shop.

Track Competitors

Keep an eye on your Etsy competitors by tracking their daily sales, listings, and the keywords that they use.


Stay on top of the latest trending items on platforms like Etsy and Amazon so that you can plan profitable products that are in-demand.
Team erank
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eRank grows with you! Start using eRank for FREE and as your Etsy shop grows, upgrade to one of the following plans to access even more data.
For beginners
For the active Etsy seller
For the advanced Etsy seller
For the professional researchers and analysts
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Marketplace Research

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